On Christmas Eve we traveled to my moms to meet up with her, Drew, Shelly and the kiddos to celebrate Christmas. We hit the roads pretty early, but still managed to hit some icy roads on the beautiful White Christmas we were blessed with this year. Mom lives near the Brazos River, so the scenery was absolutely beautiful covered in snow! Even with all the snow, Santa managed to make it to the house! Riley and Kaylin must've been super good kiddos this year, because Santa brought them some extra special toys! We had such a great time watching the kids, opening gifts, watching the men cook (well they helped anyway) and spending time with the family. It was great! The day after Christmas we went to the Gaylord to see the ICE exhibit and then headed to the Rockettes for a wonderful finale of this Christmas! We are truly thankful we have such wonderful family to share the holidays with!