So last week was so much fun! My mom brought Riley and Kaylin (my niece and nephew) over to spend some time with us during their summer vacation as well as to help out with getting the nursery together. While Stephen and I worked, Riley and Kaylin broke in our pool and Nana had Alice from Wonderland Murals come over to paint the nursery for lil Preston. We had her do polka-dots and stripes to go with the bedding we got. I am super excited with how it turned out! We got some time to jump in the pool and play with the kiddos and nana once we got home too (somehow nana avoided the swimming pics). All in all it was a wonderful week and we were so thankful to get to spend some extra time with my mom and Riley and Kaylin! What a treat! The house felt so quiet once everyone left. Thank you Nana for the painting, we know lil Preston is going to LOVE his nursery! =)