Since its been so long, I thought I'd do one long update and fill everyone in on the last few months. Here goes...
Veteran's Memorial
A new Veteran's Memorial park opened up in McKinney in November pretty close to where we all live. We all thought since this was being built we would buy Mr. Mota a brick in the park to recognize his time he spent in Vietnam. We went to the opening ceremonies and got to all be a part of the celebration. It was a nice ceremony and a great tribute to all Veterans.
Steph's Birthday!
We had a chance to celebrate Steph's birthday with her in November. We enjoyed some good family time and toasted a great sister!
Thanksgiving 2011
We celebrated Thanksgiving in style at Stephen's parents house. It was a lot of fun and a big family occasion. We had my mom and her friend David join us as well as Gene's parents, Steph, Gene and obviously Stephen's mom and dad. It was a great time with more food than we could have possibly needed. It was so fun to get all of our family together and celebrate in a BIG way. We really do have so much to be thankful for!
A December to Remember!
We had a wonderful December in 2011! It was basically Christmas all month! It was Preston's 2nd Christmas and it was a blast! He loved seeing all of the lights everywhere and figured out pretty quickly who Santa was. ;) You could ask him what Santa says and he would say "Ho, Ho, Ho!", pretty cute! We took him to meet Santa and he was so excited while standing in line and kept pointing and saying "Santa, Santa!" But when the time came to sit on Santa's lap, he didn't want anything to do with him. Hahaha Poor guy. Somehow Santa still got his message of what he wanted for Christmas, because there was not a lack of gifts under the tree!
We celebrated Christmas with Stephen's family a little early at Steph and Gene's house. Preston was showered with fun gifts. He wasn't really sure what to do with opening the gifts. He would get one present and want to play with it instead of opening more! It was pretty cute. I think after a couple he got the idea that MORE toys were involved and managed to get them all opened! He got some great stuff like a wagon, cool dump truck, tent to play in, guitar, drum set, and lots of other fun stuff. He had a ball and we enjoyed some good time with the family!
We had a beautiful white Christmas Day with my family in Colorado this year! Instead of gifts this year we decided to take a fun trip together. We went with my mom, her friend David, Drew, Shelly, Riley and Kaylin to Beaver Creek. We stayed at Snow Cloud resort which is ski in ski out and it was fabulous! We had such a great time! Preston loved playing in the snow and sledding behind our condo. The kids all enjoyed spending time together and we got to have some adult time thanks to Nana who volunteered to baby sit! Our trip was full of fun including sleigh rides, camp fires, sledding, skiing, shopping and relaxing with the fam. It was so much fun!
Once we got back, Pops (my dad) decided to come in town to see us and bring Preston his gift. He got a super cool fire truck that he absolutely loves! It was great to spend some time with my dad and for Preston to get to hang out with his Pops for a little while!
Santa got our letter we sent asking him to come a little late after our trip to Colorado and made a very special trip just for Preston this year. It was pretty amazing! That Santa is quite a guy! Preston got so many great things! We are so blessed! Steve and I enjoyed a fun Christmas day with our little family starting some of our own traditions. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!!
Happy New Year!!
We brought in the new year with a bang this year. We had 2 parties that we went to. The first was a party in our neighborhood. We stopped by for a toast with the neighbors and then headed over to Steph and Gene's for a great party! We had a lot of fun hanging out with the family and some of their friends. The drinks were flowing and we were having a good time! It was a great way to bring in a new year!
Celebrating 7 Wonderful Years!
In January, Stephen and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary! Time really does fly when you're having fun! I am so incredibly lucky to have been blessed with such an amazing husband. I always knew I would love being married, but this has far exceeded my expectations. I truly got to marry the love of my life and my very best friend! Here's to many more wonderful years to come! CHEERS!
It's Birthday Time!
February 4th we got to celebrate my birthday! Steve, Preston and I met up with some good friends of ours Kristina, Kyle, Awbrey and Kendall for a fun birthday weekend at Beaver's Bend in Oklahoma. Aside from having a few sick kiddos in the cabin, we enjoyed catching up, hanging in the hot tub, building a camp fire and relaxing! Fun was had by all! Once we got back I got another celebration with Stephen's family which was lots of fun! It was super bowl Sunday so we hung at the house, watched the game and celebrated, lots of fun!
Preston playing with Kendall
My favorite gift of all! Preston loved playing with the wrapping paper! ;)
Stephen's Birthday!
Stephen's birthday was February 13th and we had a lot of fun for his big day too. We took the day off from work and took Preston to the Dallas Aquarium. It was so much fun to have a little family time. Stephen is such a great guy! I don't know a lot of guys that would wish to spend their day at an Aquarium with their family, but that was his choice and we all enjoyed it! We are so lucky to have such a great daddy/hubby!! That evening we went to dinner with Stephen's family at Mi Cocina and come back to our place for gifts and cake. It was a great day.
Valentine's Day
By the time we get to Valentine's day we are pretty spent from all of the other things we've just finished (as noted above). That said, our Valentine's was spent with a nice dinner that we ordered and took home (which is my favorite thing to do...really)! We got Preston to bed and relaxed with a good glass of wine, my ideal date night! Stephen surprised me with some beautiful flowers he had sent to my office, have I mentioned how lucky I am?! ;) I love my boys! Preston got sweet gifts from Mimi, Papa, fun balloons and cars from mommy and dada and Nana also brought Preston a sweet Valentine's Day singing dog!
Preston enjoying his baloons from mommy and dada
Mardi Gras Bunco
A couple of weeks ago I had the neighbor girls over for a Mardi Gras themed Bunco night. It was a lot of fun! We played, laughed and enjoyed some delicious food and cocktails. I love hosting these kind of things, so this was right up my alley! I think I can say it was a sucess!
Preston even enjoyed the pre-party beads. ;)
Fun Weekend with Friends!
Last weekend we had Kristina, Kyle, Awbrey and Kendall come down for a super fun and beautiful weekend! The weather was perfect so we heated the pool and had a ball! It was so much fun! We hung in the hot tub Friday night until the wee hours of the morning, enjoyed a delicious brunch at Brio's Saturday (pic of Preston and Awbrey below on the patio), hit up the outlets and hung by the pool all afternoon. We cooked out Sat. night and just enjoyed some good quality time hanging out with some good friends! It was great!
So that's what we've been up to lately. Hopefully this will catch you guys up a bit and I really hope it doesn't take as long for me to update next time!
Life is good, we are truly blessed and I LOVE MY BOYS!!