Preston had a great 1st Christmas this year! We celebrated Christmas Eve at Aunt Steph and Uncle Gene's and then went to a beautiful Christmas Eve service which was Preston's first candlelight service. He was so good! =) That night Preston slept so well as Santa dropped off all kinds of goodies for him!
Daddy and I were super excited for Preston to wake up to see all of the fun stuff Santa brought, but our little man had plans to sleep in. ;) He finally woke up around 10 and we got to bring him downstairs to see all of the good stuff Santa brought him. He must've been a really good boy, because he got lots for a 4 month old. Preston also opened his gifts from mommy and daddy. He really enjoyed the tissue paper. haha
At noon Stephen's family joined us at our house for a delicious meal and more gifts! I tell you, we are very blessed! That evening we started our outdoor fireplace and roasted marshmallows for some delicious smores. It was a chilly evening, so we all bundled up to spend some time outside. Stephen had been wanting to smoke some cigars in honor of his little boy being born and we hadn't done that yet, so we used this as an opportunity to do so. Everyone indulged! It was lots of fun. A great 1st Christmas for little Preston, even though he doesn't even realize it yet!