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Mota-Vational Quotes

  • "Life isn't about how to survive the storm but how to dance in the rain!"
  • "The happiest people don't always have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have."
  • "Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a Lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle... when the sun comes up, you'd better be running."
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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Kels is 7 Months & Preston is 4 and 1 month

These kids really grow so quickly! To think that my baby girl is already crawling, teething and eating some real food is unbelievable! I think she should still be snuggled up on my shoulder sleeping and whispering those sweet baby sounds in my ear. Instead, she will sit with me just long enough to eat and then she wiggles her way right to the floor to make her move! I call her my wiggle worm, because she is always on the move. It is such a joy watching her discover new things and army crawling her way (as quickly as possible) to that object for further observation. We have definitely had to make some changes around the house to "baby proof" since she's started making her moves. Her favorite things to get into so far include cords plugged into walls, a red vase that used to be on the floor, a big collage frame that used to be in the hall and anything her big brother is playing with. She's definitely keeping me on my toes these days. =) Its such a fun age! She is also laughing, following mommy around anywhere I go and getting her first 2 teeth! Her first tooth is already in and the other is not far behind it. She's been a little trooper through that, I know it must hurt! She's getting so big, LOVE her so much!

While we're talking about getting big...let's talk about our big boy Preston! He knew when he turned 4 that he would have to start Pre-K. I thought since he'd been home with mommy for a few months that this would be a very difficult adjustment for him. I am super proud to say that he started Pre-K like a little champ! I actually think he did better than I did. He put on his little backpack and carried his lunchbox in just like a big boy (I wanted to cry watching him walk in). He gave me a big hug and walked right in, no tears. He is going to Sunshine Kids School and is in the Busy Bee classroom with Ms. Deb and Ms. Julie. So far he is doing great! I couldn't be more proud of my big boy! After that first drop off I went and sat in my car in the parking lot and cried! I know this is the first of many moments that I will have to let my boy go and pray that the foundations we've built for him is strong enough to help him through each and every day."Deciding to have children is like deciding to let your heart walk around outside your body" -Author Unknown
I felt like my heart walked into preschool that day and every day since. But knowing that he is doing so well, gives me relief. LOVE him with all my heart!

These kids are my world! I couldn't imagine life without them!! I cherish every moment that I get to share with them and each milestone I get to see them cross. They are a true blessing!

Such a cutie

Rolling around

Visiting the Fire Station

Snuggle Bugs

Sweet girl

Caught crawling in Preston's room

This boy loves playing in the bath

Taking in some pool time before Summer ends

Ready to go outside

Playing in his messy playroom

Such a happy girl

Love this sweet face

Sleepy girl

Crashed his buddy Izzy

Playtime after Preston got home from school (they miss each other when he's gone)

Lovin being home with these 2

LOVE them

Lovin each other

Kelsey's "pose" as I call it- She does this all the time when taking a break from crawling

We love reading books

Daddy making a mask with Preston

Look Mom! I can hold my own bottle!

Ready for an outing

Playing-sweet kids

More playtime

Hey beautiful!

Sleepy boy

Posing and teething

Attack of the Box Man!

Playing by the pond

Trying to sneak off somewhere else

He's learned to wink, watch out ladies! ;)

Sweet snuggles! Look at those eyelashes!

Kels trying to break down Preston's castle

She loves the ball pit!

Playing like a big girl


Busy Bees class

I was asked to write about Preston to his teachers, this is what I said

Big boy at Meet the Teacher

Making friends

So big

And handsome

And just like that, my heart walked into PreK

Before he saw me picking up from 1st day

So happy to see my boy!

Playing day 2

Writing his name day 3