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Mota-Vational Quotes

  • "Life isn't about how to survive the storm but how to dance in the rain!"
  • "The happiest people don't always have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have."
  • "Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a Lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle... when the sun comes up, you'd better be running."
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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Kelsey 8 months, Preston 4 years old

Another month has FLOWN by! We have been pretty busy this past month, seems like one thing after another, and you know what they say, "Time flies when you're having fun!" Boy has it ever! We've seen lots of friends and family, gotten ready for Halloween and tried to fit in some fun Fall events while we can. The kids are both doing great and getting bigger every day. It seems like over night that Kelsey started pulling up on everything! She is officially on two feet (not walking, but can pull herself up to both feet). She gets quite proud of herself. Once she gets up she starts laughing and smiling like, look at me! She's pretty cute. And HAPPY, there's not much that will get this girl down. When she wakes up, she's smiling, when I walk by her playing on the floor-smiling, when I go to pick her up smiling and typically letting out a pretty happy squeal, eating-smiling. I just love her little smile, it lights up my heart! She has also started doing a couple of "tricks" on command. One is blowing bubbles with her mouth, if I do it, she'll do it back to me, pretty funny (and slobbery). She is also waving and sort of saying "hi!" When I say sort of, she has the inflection and just really yells, but if I say, "HI!, she'll wave her whole arm back and yell "ahhhh!" She is at a super fun age, getting around more, following mommy around and wanting to get into everything of her brothers. Brother is being pretty good with it all, although he did tell me one day, "I'm tired of being a big brother. I want daddy to be the big brother now!" haha He's pretty cute. Preston is in love with anything and everything Halloween. He loves skeletons and a lot of things that I would normally think he would be afraid of, but he just walks up to them and says, "see I'm not scared, its make believe!" =) He's such a big boy! We've had fun decorating the house and getting him excited about Halloween. He's also been making a lot of little friends at school. We saw one of his little girl friends at the grocery store and they said hi to each other on every aisle and thought it was the funniest things. I got a picture of them, her name is Maris. He's also become pretty good friends with our neighbor across the street. His name is Pierce. We usually get the kids together once a week to play, and they have a blast! Preston's actually started asking me to text Pierce's mommy and see if her can play. It's pretty cute. These two kids keep us busy, but we wouldn't have it any other way. They are a blast and we love them both dearly!

Cheering on brothers team

Our little stud

Working our first concession stand for Prosper Little League

This girl loves to eat

They love bath time

Working on some Halloween crafts with mommy

Fun Halloween crafts we made(Preston's hands are the witches hair and Kelsey's feet are the ghosts)

Big girl

Riding the train in the mall

My big snuggle bug

Look how long she's getting!

She can hold her own bottle

Playing together

She loves the ball pit

And he loves his play room

We are practicing writing his name on the windows (dry erase of course)

He's getting so big

Sweet girlie girl

Running back from booing our neighbors

Holding her bottle

Helping mommy with laundry

My little skeletons (Preston picked out these jammies for them both)

She watches everything her brother does

Best daddy in the world!

Our little family on a walk

Pulling up

A picture Preston's teacher sent me of him being good in class

Preston playing on the playground at school

Baby girl standing up in her crib for the first time (we've lowered the mattress now)

Such a happy girl

Hi brother

He loves bringing his little toys in the living room and playing

crawling on all 4's

Storytime with daddy

She's on two feet!

Hanging out with Mimi

Ready for pick up

Driving like a big boy to Aunt Steph and Uncle Gene's house

One of our other babies (Buddy)

Sitting up

Starting to make a Christmas list

What are you up to brother?!

lil Pumpkin

My sweet girl

Putting up decorations

Posing with the skeleton

Preston and our neighbor Pierce playing 

Playing like a big girl

Loving swinging in the backyard